Saturday, February 7, 2009

We're back

After 10 LONG days we had our electricity restored late Thursday.  I will say that Dan was well prepared (fllashllights, extra batteries, rechargeable lights, invertor to charge all rechargeables from the car, lots of food, candles, ect.) and due to this we had everything we needed. We even have a portable toliet but thank goodness we didn't need it.  We never lost water, including hot water,  or gas for the wall heater. We lost some food from the fridge and freezer, but we cooked as much as we could.  We even took some hot food to a neighbor.  I am so glad we switched to a gas cooktop so we could have hot food.  We had a lot of big limbs down.  Bro. Wilson and John Stenger came over one day and cut down two trees in the front yard( they were too damaged to save) and cut it up into firewood for them.  Bro. Wilson and the missionaries came down yesterday and sawed up all the big limbs in the back yard for firewood.  They also stacked up the smaller limbs to be burned later.

We got our cable and internet back this morning.  What a wonderful feeling it is to be back to normal.

My cousin Mike Robinson, same age as me, died on Wednesday and his funeral was held on Friday at Malden.  The funeral home here in Campbell still doesn't have electricity.  
Many of the rural customers are looking at 30 more days without electricity.  I am so sorry for them.  

Dan has a bad cold but it feeling a little better today.  He was out in the cold when they cut down the trees and it really got him.  Grandma and myself have been doing ok so far.