Tuesday, September 23, 2008

April leaves tomorrow

We are looking forward to seeing April and family soon. They are going from St. Louis to Nauvoo for a couple of days and be here on Friday afternoon. Can't wait.

Good News

Mom sold the other house today. The man that bought it is going to make it back into a duplex and rent it out. I think this is a relief to everyone. Mom no longer has to worrry about keeping it up. We don't have to worry about the yard work. The man that purchased is looking forward to getting revenue. So I think it was a win win situation.

P.S. Laura's finger is fine.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Accident Prone

Laura jammed her little finger today. Looks messed up, huh?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Welcome Jarom

Congratulations Sara and Joseph. We are thrilled to have a new grandson.

We love you.

Snapshot of Campbell

This is part of what you will see if you visit Campbell. Both old and new buildings. but more old. The nutrition center is where Mom volunteers. Vondy's is the only restaurant in town at present. Sometime Mom and I eat breakfast here.

Rural scenes

These are scenes we took on our way to Malden today. We take the backroads because it is shorter. You will notice the cotton fields. Some still have leaves and some have be defoliated so it will be easier to pick. Maybe Wes, Kelly and Chelsie would like to pick cotton when they are here, ha ha. When I was young and we all picked cotton my grandmother would always make me a cotton sack they was my size. We had to cross some small railroad tracks. In Campbell the tracks go across down town and the train doesn't even slow down.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New pictures of Elisa

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ike hits Mo.

On Sunday morning we awoke to stong winds, limbs in the yard and no electicity. Church was canceled due to the electicity problem. Stong winds continues most of the morning. You can see from the pictures the limbs that blew down in Mom's yard. The other house only had about 5 limbs in the yard. We were lucky. A couple of houses had trees blown over on them. Laura was a big help in cleaning up.

Our neighbor used his chain saw to cut some of the limbs that had split but were still connected to the trees. Neighbors were helping each other. It was gratifying to see how everyone was helping each other. The city did a good job of clearing limbs from the streets.
Our electricity was off until late afternoon and our cable was off even longer. You don't realize how much you depend on electricity until you don't have it. Things are getting back to normal today even though school all around us are closed.
These are all pictures of Mom's yard.

Family Reunion

Aunt Francis is visiting from Oregon. The whole family met at Aunt Freida's on Saturday to visit and eat a delicious meal. I haven't figured out how to put names with the pictures, but am working on it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Laura loves my new computer

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jack is growing

You can see how much he is growing.

Monday, September 8, 2008

We went to Cape today to have our eyes checked and we both needed new glasses. That's the problem with getting older -

Dan has signed up to take a class starting in Oct. to be certified to become a ham operator. The church is sponsoring this class.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Tomorrow is Dan's 62nd birthday. He can draw his social security starting in Nov.
Hurray!!! Laura and I made him a pineapple upside down cake today.


Today is Dan and my 39th anniversity. Doesn't seem possible we have been married this long. Next year will be the big 40.

Dan bought me a new laptop computer which I am now using. He's so sweet.

We're hooked

A couple of weeks ago we finally tried KFC's new hot wings and now we are hooked. Everytime we go out we stop and get some. If you haven't tried them, please do.

They aren't too hot - just right. Grandma was the first to try them, then me and Beth and Laura. Dad hasn't tried them but he doesn't like wings