Sunday, August 31, 2008

April is coming to visit!!!!

We are so excited that April and the whole family are coming for a visit. I never thought April would fly. We are so looking forward to having them here and have the kids see where she grew up. I know they have a lot planned to do while they are here so the week will go by fast but it will be great to see them.

Grandma sees RED

I decided that I wanted to change my hair color "slightly". I got two new colors to try on my hair. The first was a light neutral blonde and the second was a honey blond. Big MISTAKE. I put the neutral blond on and came up with purple hair(not good), so then I tried the honey blond. It turned it red (Better but not good). Out of desparation I put on the lightest blond I had on hand and all it did was tone the red down. Unfortunatly I will have to wait a while before I put anything else on it. So for a while I have red hair. I won't be getting out too much. Lesson - don't fix what isn't broken. I have always wondered how I would look as a redhead and now I know the answer isn't good.

Jack goes shopping

Jack, Beth, Laura, Grandma and Great Grandma went shopping on Saturday in Dexter. Never too early to train children that shopping is fun!!! Jack was so good and of course everyone thought he was adorable.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jack visits

Life is good

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Returning home

Matt, Milli, and Elisa are returning home today. We really enjoyed their visit. It has become so quiet here since they left, but we know they are looking forward to getting home and settling in before school starts.

Diaper change time

Elisa lets everyone know when it's time to change her diaper. She doesn't like even a slightly wet diaper. We got to know some of her signals when she was here.


How good it feels to chew on my hand and get everyone wet. You can see just how wet if you look closely at the pictures.

Great-grandma & Elisa

Matt & Milli at Current River

Matt,Milli, & Elisa

Family Photo

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Friday, August 15, 2008

Tour of the Lake

After visiting we went on a tour of the lake, stopping briefly for a diaper change for Elisa. We all enjoyed the day.

Elisa visits relatives

We visited Frieda, Kenneth, Betty, Bill. This is a picture of Bill & Betty's house.

Elisa likes the Euro rider

We borrowed this baby carrier from Beth and Elisa loves it. She can face forward and see where she is going. This saves us our arms and backs.

Sweet dreams Jack

Jack comes for a visit

Jack, Beth, and Laura spend the night with us so we could take Beth and Jack to the doctor on Wednesday. He had a great check-up, now at 7lb. 8ozs. Laura and Beth jumped in to help me make an apple and a cherry pie while great-grandma held Jack. The doctor even called him a pretty baby.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Vacation can be work

Matt has mowed both our lawns, fixed the back fence, raked leaves, and hung great-grandma's new solar wind chimes. Thank you Matt.

Baby's day out

First we went to the Nutrition Center where great-grandma volunteers and helped her. Then we took a stroll to the park. Grandma was busy pushing me in my stroller so she didn't get a picture of this. After a long nap we went to Stenger's farm. Their house is over 100 years old. We also saw the river by their house and their friendly dog. Mom & Dad went to look at the garden and the burros while Grandma stayed in the shade with me. After a nice visit we then took a drive through the peach orchards. It was a busy busy day and I was so tired when I got home.

Going to Church

Please don't muss up the hair.

She flies through the air with the greatest of ease

Elisa likes to fly though the air with the help of Dad

Jack has a swinging good time

Jack enjoys being in his swing and hearing the soothing music.

Grandma & grandpa having fun with Elisa

You will notice Grandpa likes to take her outside, which she loves. Grandma prefers the rocking chair.